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Being a caregiver can be stressful. We all need a break sometimes.

A respite care provider is available to provide temporary care for individuals with special needs, allowing families to get a much needed break. Stable Life is dedicated to helping families get the help that they need. We want to empower families to use their SARC respite hours and aim to make using respite as easy and stress free as possible. If you need more information on the San Andreas Regional Center (SARC) and on respite hours, follow the two links provided below.

SARC Homepage:

Respite Hours General Overview:

For Parents/Primary Caregivers who already have SARC Respite Hours:

We offer 2 respite options to meet your family’s needs:

Option 1: Parent can send Stable Life contact info on a person to consider hiring as a caregiver. Stable Life will contact the potential caregiver. The caregiver can be a consumer’s grandparent, aunt, uncle, adult sibling, friend, neighbor, - someone you feel comfortable leaving your loved one with.

Option 2: Stable Life can match you with a quality caregiver.

We have one of the highest hourly rates at $18+/hour (depending on complexity of needs of client)

For Parents/Primary Caregivers who don’t have SARC Respite Hours:

Request In-Home Respite hours be given to your child from your SARC Caseworker. Your Caseworker will work with you to identify your respite needs and authorize the needed number of respite hours.